Replay Convention Sessions
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6:00 PM Thursday Night Pre-Keynote Sessions
Brothers Reawakening: Our Call to Action
718.298.2077 ext. 9267998#
Shmuli Dembitzer
Mayer Gold
Rabbi Shlomo Landau
Eitan Pfeiffer
Shmuel Sherman
Special Needs in our Community: A Torah Perspective
718.298.2077 ext. 9267996#
Rabbi Labish Becker
7:00 PM Agudah Live

Agudah Live
Interviews, Recap and More from the Convention Center 718.298.2077 ext. 9268029#
Rabbi Ari Strulowitz Rabbi Shai Markowitz
8:00 PM Thursday Night Keynote Session
Reb Yisroel Bein Ha'Amim - Challenges, Opportunities, Issues, and Solutions
718.298.2077 ext. 9268010#
Watch Video 9:45 PM Agudah Live

Agudah Live
Interviews, Recap and More from the Convention Center 718.298.2077 ext. 9268030#
Rabbi Ari Strulowitz Rabbi Shai Markowitz
10:00 PM Thursday Night Post-Keynote Session
718.298.2077 ext. 9267999#

Rabbi Yosef Elefant

Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky

Rabbi Yisroel Besser A Mother's Perspective on Special Needs: What We Wish the World Would Know
718.298.2077 ext. 9268381#
Mrs. Brenda Katina
Chaired by
Mrs. Chana Laniado9:45 AM Friday Morning Concurrent Sessions I
Living in Eretz Yisroel and You: Why it Matters

Rabbi Yerachmiel Fried

Rabbi Yonoson Rosenblum
Hakol, Kol Yaakov: Leveraging Our Voices to Combat Surging Antisemitism
718.298.2077 ext. 9268001#

Chaskel Bennett

Avrohom Weinstock

Rabbi Mendy Brukirer
11:00 AM Friday Morning Concurrent Sessions II
Torah Magna Umatzla: Increasing our Limud in an Eis Tzoroh
718.298.2077 ext. 9268002#

Rabbi Shrage Malinowitz

Rabbi Yosef Sonnenshein
Kashrus: Maintaining Kedushah in a Starbucks World
718.298.2077 ext. 9268003#

Rabbi Sholem Fishbane

Rabbi Ari Senter
2:00 PM Daf Yomi
4:10 PM Minchah and Kabalas Shabbos

Rabbi Aryeh Malkiel Kotler
4:20 PM Minchah and Kabalas Shabbos (women)
Refining our Bitachon
Rebbetzin Dina Schoonmaker
8:00 PM Friday Night Concurrent Sessions
Tzipisa Le'yeshuah - The 4th Question

Rabbi Yaakov Robinson
Is our Gashmius Suffocating Us? Where do we go from here

Rabbi Eliezer Gewirtzman
Overcoming the Greeks: Living a Healthier Relational Life (women)
Mrs. Yael Kaisman
9:00 PM Friday Night Keynote Session
Maintaining our Simchas Hachaim and Menuchas Hanefesh in Trying Times

Rabbi Yitzchok Sorotzkin

Rabbi Yosef Elefant

Rabbi Shrage Malinowitz10:15 PM Friday Night Post-Keynote Sessions
Sheves Achim

Rabbi Yehoshua Perlow

Rabbi Shmuel Dishon

R' Uziel Deitch and the Neshama Choir
Rabbi Avrohom Nisan PerlFriday Night with the Magid - Bringing Light in our Lives in Difficult Times

Rabbi Paysach Krohn
6:15 AM Shacharis K'vasikin

Rabbi Shlomo Eliyahu Miller
8:00 AM Shacharis

Rabbi Aharon Feldman
10:00 AM Shabbos Morning Session
Q and A with Rabbi Reuven Feinstein

Rabbi Reuven Feinstein

Rabbi Moshe Bender11:30 AM Shabbos Morning Keynote Sessions
Striving for ever greater heights of Ruchniyus

Rabbi Aharon Dovid Goldberg

Rabbi Nochum Binder
Rabbi Moshe DanzgerRecognizing the Hand of Hashem in our Journey Through Life (women)
Mrs. Brenda Katina
2:45 PM Shabbos Afternoon Concurrent Sessions
Living as Yid, Not Just Being A Yid

Rabbi Eliezer Gewirtzman

Rabbi Ariel Shoshan
Behind Closed Doors: most common challenges that come to Rabbanim

Rabbi Yaakov Feiner

Rabbi Yitzchok Frankel
Bringing out the Best in Yourselves (women)

Rabbi Paysach Krohn
4:10 PM Sholosh Seudos
Men I

Rabbi Yehuda Svei

Rabbi Nochum Binder

Rabbi Avrohom LubanMen II

Rabbi Yisroel Perlow

Rabbi Yaakov Robinson
Rabbi Eliyahu Simcha BambergerWomen: Taking our Tefillah to the Next Level
Mrs. Yael Kaisman
7:00 PM Motzei Shabbos Concurrent Sessions
Dispatches From The Front: Eretz Yisroel at War
718.298.2077 ext. 9268004#

Rabbi Shmuel Bloom

Rabbi Yonoson Rosenblum
Fortunate in This World: The Blessings of Having a Rov, for Yourself and Your Family
718.298.2077 ext. 9268005#

Rabbi Yisroel Besser

Rabbi Shrage Malinowitz
7:30 PM Daf Yomi
7:45 PM Agudah Live

Agudah Live
Interviews, Recap and More from the Convention Center 718.298.2077 ext. 9268031#
Rabbi Ari Strulowitz Rabbi Shai Markowitz
8:00 PM LIVE! with Pirchei
8:15 PM Motzei Shabbos Keynote Session
Call to Action
718.298.2077 ext. 9268015#
Rabbi Yitzchok Kolodetsky
Rabbi Menashe Frankel10:30 PM Motzei Shabbos
9:30 AM Sunday Morning Session
#askingforafriend: Government Affairs Edition
718.298.2077 ext. 9268007#
Agudath Israel's Government Affairs Staff
10:45 AM Sunday Morning Closing Keynote Session
Dealing With Anxiety in Stressful Times
718.298.2077 ext. 9268022#
Rabbi Labish Becker