Convention Program
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6:15 PM Thursday Night Concurrent Sessions I
Kids in Pain: Why Do They Struggle – and How Do We Respond?
718.298.2077 ext. 9336231#
Rabbi Gershon Schaffel
Rabbi Sender Kaszirer
Rabbi Binyomin Greenspoon
Rabbi Yitzchok HisigerThe Parnassah Crisis: Real or Self-Inflicted?
718.298.2077 ext. 9336232#
Rabbi Yosef Viener

Naftali Horowitz
Eli Fried
Rabbi Yitz FrankYahalom session: A Torah Perspective on Special Needs in Our Community (women)
718.298.2077 ext. 9336593#
Rabbi Uri Deutsch
7:00 PM Agudah Live

Agudah Live
Interviews, Recap and More from the Convention Center 718.298.2077 ext. 9336238#
Rabbi Ari Weisenfeld Rabbi Shlomo Soroka
8:00 PM Thursday Night Keynote Session
Anchored in Faith: Strengthening Emunah and Bitachon in Turbulent Times
718.298.2077 ext. 9336242#
Rabbi Shloime Mandel Welcome Remarks
Rabbi Naftali Miller Video Presentation
We Believe: Stories from the Front Lines 9:45 PM Agudah Live

Agudah Live
Interviews, Recap and More from the Convention Center 718.298.2077 ext. 9336244#
Rabbi Ari Weisenfeld Rabbi Shlomo Schorr
10:00 PM Thursday Night Concurrent Session II
Asking for a Friend
718.298.2077 ext. 9336245#

Rabbi Yisroel Reisman

Rabbi Uri Deutsch

Yisroel Besser9:45 AM Friday Morning Concurrent Sessions I
Heimishe Kashrus vs. National Kashrus: What's the Difference?
Followed by: Let's Talk Kashrus Q & A
Followed by: Let's Talk Kashrus Q & A
718.298.2077 ext. 9336250#

Rabbi Sholem Fishbane
Rabbi Duvid Babad

Rabbi Yitzchok HisigerThe Tuition Tug of War: An Honest Conversation

Rabbi Moshe Bender
Mr. Yisroel Orzel
Rabbi Shlomo Soroka11:00 AM Friday Morning Concurrent Sessions II
A New Approach to Therapy in the Frum World: Can We Remove the Stigma?
718.298.2077 ext. 9336254#
Dr. Yitzchok Shindler
Bashert vs. Hishtadlus: How Much Should One Be Doing for a Shidduch?

Rabbi Moshe Rotberg
Tzodek Katz
Rabbi Ariel Sadwin7:00 PM Motzei Shabbos Concurrent Sessions
Simchas Torah/October 7th a Year Later: A Reawakening
Rabbi Elazar Grunberger
Rabbi Chanan Gordon
Avrohom Weinstock, Esq.Social Media and the World of WhatsApp: How Do We Win the Battle?

Rabbi Moshe Rotberg
Rabbi Moshe Don Kestenbaum
Rabbi Ari Strulowitz7:45 PM Agudah Live

Agudah Live
Interviews, Recap and More from the Convention CenterHosts
Rabbi Ari Weisenfeld Rabbi Shlomo Soroka
8:00 PM Pirchei Live!

Pirchei Live!
Featuring the Grand Raffle Drawings for the Pirchei Hasmadah ChallengeHost
Rabbi Yehuda KohnCo-Host
Rabbi Yaacov Shalom8:15 PM Motzei Shabbos Keynote Session
11:15 PM Motzei Shabbos
9:45 AM Sunday Morning Concurrent Sessions
New Realities in Washington: What is Our Agenda?
Rabbi A.D. MotzenRabbi Abba Cohen
Rabbi Avi Schnall
Rabbi Yossi Charner
Bitachon in the Business World: Thriving with Faith in a Competitive Landscape
Rabbi Moshe Donnebaum
Rabbi Doniel Staum, LMSW
The Heroic Balancing Act: How Women Navigate Life's Responsibilities with Bitachon and Grace (women)
Rebbetzin Aviva Feiner